Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dallas Buyers Club (2013)

Dallas Buyers Club (2013) is the remarkable story of Ron Woodroof told by Jean-Marc Vallée through the magnificent performances of Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto, both deserving of various award nominations and accolades.

I wouldn’t say it’s a given that both will win the golden statue come March 2nd, since I believe the impact of their characters – while outstanding – is not far superior than the other actors contending for the award. What I mean is that… while Matthew is brilliant, that doesn’t necessarily mean he was able to stir my emotions (be it for laughter or tears) more than perhaps a DiCaprio, Dern or even a Tom Hanks (who was unfairly left out of the list for Oscar nominees) with his epic last 20 minutes of sheer acting talent. However, there is no doubt that they have performed the hardest of roles this year, with a high level of acting that demanded both physical and psychological sacrifices.

 I would also like to leave a positive note to the wonderful Jennifer Garner. She’s clearly away from the spotlight that shines over McConaughey and Leto, yet she is able to deliver a sweet and enduring character that provides a certain amount of balance to the storytelling. She is (or tries to be) everything that is good in the world and when you are confronted most of the time by illness, despair and prejudice… that my friends is a breath of fresh air and she was able to provide us with the right amount.

All and all, a must-see movie… one that would certainly be featured in my top 10 list for 2013 If I had seen it in time.

Don’t miss out!

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