Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Intouchables (2011)

Intouchables (2011) is a French movie - based on true events -  written and directed by Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano.

In both these fields (writing and directing), Olivier and Eric performed gracefully with great taste, not only aesthetically - with their fine direction - but also with the narrative which never seems to cross the border into cliche territory. Quite a task considering the nature of the script and how now a days film makers try hard to fabric tearjerkers.
You can say this feature almost fits that "genre", depending of one's sensibility... but being an over sensitive person myself, I can tell you that Intouchables while being able to move you, doesn't bring the saddest emotions from you. It offers a balance between comedy - in a smart and genuine way - with the finest of human nature, one where love, respect and compassion are big assets.

As the movie starts, the opening scene gives away a mysterious beginning with two men (Philipe and Driss) with a great piano track serving as soundtrack. Immediately I was drawn... not only because I was curious about the relationship between the two men in the car, but the music was gripping and very familiar. I remember watching various NBA Playoff commercials (ex: 1) with the same song. Soon after, this piano theme gives room to a more funky upbeat, September by Earth, Wind and Fire. 

Come to think about it, the French film is exactly that... a mix of the piano theme with September. While  intense and beautiful, it's also fun and cheerful. Having a lot of qualities that define and describe Intouchables, one that becomes obvious is the relationship between both main characters. In their individual aspects they are great, having a lot of depth and interest, but together they provide a brilliant chemistry, one that alone makes the movie worth it. It's beautiful to see such a comrade between two men, outside the typical male environment. A love between two man, resembling in many aspects the friendship between Andy Dufrane and Red (Shawshank Redemption) with the settings being completely different, but equal in terms of principal. For those who saw the "DVD extras" of Shawshank, the way most of the cast describes their relationship, can easily match what is seen on-screen with François Cluzet and Omar Sy (Philipe and Driss).

From start to finish, what you see - and hear (try and listen to this soundtrack with mix of classic and funk music) - is excellent, making justice to the hype created around this movie. One more successful European venture, reminding us that French cinema is alive and well!

1 comment:

Carmen. said...

Estou mortinha por ver este filme :))