by: WoodKid
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Time (Better Not Stop)
by: We Trust
caso para dizer "o que é nacional, é bom"!
caso para dizer "o que é nacional, é bom"!
"O projecto português WE TRUST vai-se estrear discograficamente no final do ano pela Meifumado.
WE TRUST é André Tentugal, um jovem realizador português conhecido por ter realizado vídeos de X-Wife, Tetraton, Mind Da Gap."
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Os Velhos - Os Velhos (2011)
Once again I'll have to apologize to the English readers due to the fact that I'll be writting this post in Portuguese, not only because I'm back in Portugal (even if only for a short period of time) but also because the subject in hands is a Portuguese band! Let this not stop you from getting to know a little bit more of "Os Velhos" (can't really figure out which translation would suit "Velhos" best... maybe "the old guys"... I don't know).
They are considered to be one of the "wonder kids" in Portugal's indie rock music scenario and personally they are one of my favourite groups coming up!
I hope all of you can still enjoy their music, even if you can't make sense of the lyrics...
They are considered to be one of the "wonder kids" in Portugal's indie rock music scenario and personally they are one of my favourite groups coming up!
I hope all of you can still enjoy their music, even if you can't make sense of the lyrics...
Bem meus caros,
Posto este texto introdutório destinado a quem deixei para trás em Londres, quero vos dizer que este disco d'Os Velhos há muito andava no meu iPod, tendo eu ouvido várias vezes back to back... Ora porque adorei grande parte das faixas, ora porque havia temas que simplesmente não me caiam bem no ouvido à primeira e como tal, decidi dar outras oportunidades...
Confesso que depois daquele EP em 2009 a fasquia estava alta ! Estes miúdos de Lisboa deixaram desde logo boas indicações nesse "meio disco" e ainda mais nas suas prestações ao vivo! Com uma dinâmica forte e uma musicalidade impregnada de juventude e alegria, parece difícil não gostar deles...
Comparações são inevitáveis, principalmente com os The Strokes a quem as melodias parecem ter algumas semelhanças, mas não se iludam! Há uma identidade muito própria neste grupo... A começar pelas letras e a acabar na voz do Francisco Xavier (mais conhecido por Kika) que apesar de muitas vezes não respeitar determinadas normas de conduta (porque ignora a métrica dos temas ou simplesmente porque desafina) fá-lo de forma eficiente e cheio de intenção! Mas isto está longe de ser um "one man show"! Zé Preguiça, Lucas e Sebastião não se deixam ficar pela sensação de "dever cumprido"! Há muita entrega e talento e isso sente-se de uma forma avassaladora... não fossem eles uma grande aposta da editora Amor Fúria, que cada vez mais tende ser visto pelos ouvintes como uma das pequenas "grandes editoras"!
Agora, sem seguir propriamente um tipo ordem, faço pequenas notas/comentários à setlist que compõem este álbum de estreia.
Conservação dos Pregos é a eleita para abrir as hostes e fá-lo em grande estilo! Não consta de forma alguma no meu top deste projecto, mas isso serve apenas como indicador da qualidade do disco, feito com arte e engenho nos confins de Évora!
Saltamos Quem Quer (um cruzamento de Strokes e Ramones) e chegamos a Deixa-me Dançar, tema este que tão somente se arrisca a ser a minha "música oficial do Verão 2011". Com um refrão que facilmente fica na retina, passando pela ressonância das guitarras que faz bater o pé e dançar (um pouco como o titulo sugere)... é caso para dizer (de pulmão aberto e com convicção) "Deixa-me Dançar"! Se algum tipo de inércia e desalento existe, Quica e companhia certificam-se de acabar com isso (sem qualquer tipo de moderação) apenas com os primeiros acordes...
E então se chega o refrão a sala pega fogo!
Há que também falar sobre as que sobreviveram a transição do EP para o disco ... Era Moderna e Foi Assim Que as Coisas Ficaram. Ambas sofreram alterações nos arranjos, na produção... não deixando de perder a sua essência original é certo, mas passando a ter diferenças perceptíveis ao ouvido. Mesmo o Tempo dos Passeios, que nos tinha sido apresentado em tempos no MySpace da banda, passou por essa transformação!
Inicialmente céptico se estariam a fazer a opção certa, escutei com curiosidade (e algum medo à mistura) apenas para chegar à conclusão que se há mudanças acertadas, há outras que com alguma pena vejo acontecer (assim de repente a que me vem agora à cabeça é o inicio original de Foi Assim Que as Coisas Ficaram com as segundas vozes que na minha opinião assentava lindamente). Obstante disso, são músicas fortíssimas, principalmente Tempo dos Passeios que saliento como sendo "A" grande malha desta compilação.
À Minha Alma é um exemplo perfeito na forma como as palavras são conjugadas em jeito de poesia ao melhor estilo Lusitano, ainda que abdicando do arcaico para ser adaptado aos dias correntes. E quando as vozes dos restantes elementos se elevam para acompanhar o vocalista, sentimos uma manifestação, ou melhor, um desabafo sentido que quase fazemos dele nosso!
Controlo e Contrição é insípido! Não me diz rigorosamente nada até sensivelmente os 2.12, momento este em que começa um instrumental em modo crescente que felizmente antagoniza o que para trás ficou!
Controlo e Contrição é insípido! Não me diz rigorosamente nada até sensivelmente os 2.12, momento este em que começa um instrumental em modo crescente que felizmente antagoniza o que para trás ficou!
Senhora do Monte é um tema fundamental de ser abordado porque afinal de contas, é o single de apresentação e o primeiro teledisco (belíssimo diga-se) da coqueluche portuguesa. Tema condecorado com um instrumental inacreditável, confesso que não fiquei imediatamente rendido ao refrão! É daqueles casos em que aprendi a gostar há terceira ou quarta "escutadela". Inesperadamente e talvez de forma abrupta, senti uma mudança se abater sobre mim, tal foi a forma efusiva e descontrolada com que comecei a repetir sucessivamente (e num ritmo frenético): Senhora do Monte!
Por fim, quero salientar Maria Diz!
No inicio passei por algumas dificuldades em gostar do tema de encerramento deste álbum homónimo... E isto acontece quando tudo indicava o contrário, pois os primeiros minutos absorveram-me completamente e numa demonstração de êxtase emocional, senti cada palavra proferida com intensidade! O meu problema foi ter "chocado" com a recta final que sinceramente deixou a desejar na altura em que a estreei no meu iPod!
Suponho que me tenha levado mais tempo a apreciar totalmente, mas certo e sabido (como muitos amigos me avisaram) acabei por me apaixonar, apesar de ser da opinião que a distorção da guitarra perto do fim ofusca em demasia a voz, que com os gritos (quase em desespero) tende ficar cada vez mais difícil de se ouvir com a aproximação do final. Contudo, isto não lhe retira qualquer tipo de mérito sendo facilmente (e compreensivelmente) o tema mais arrebatador para muitos!
Adoro a paixão com que Kika se entrega à letra, sendo esta aquela que considero ser inquestionavelmente a mais densa, profunda e sincera!
Quinta-Feira à noite é no Rossio... Sábado é no Rio... Eu não tenho frio...
Deixa-me Dançar...
Tu não sabes o que queres...
Deixa-me Dançar...
Adoro a paixão com que Kika se entrega à letra, sendo esta aquela que considero ser inquestionavelmente a mais densa, profunda e sincera!
Quinta-Feira à noite é no Rossio... Sábado é no Rio... Eu não tenho frio...
Deixa-me Dançar...
Tu não sabes o que queres...
Deixa-me Dançar...
Chegou o tempo dos passeios, quatro da manhã... noites sem dormir, sem querer dormir...
O tempo das palavras, vinte primaveras, corram as panteras...
Se eu te pergunto quanto custa não morrer... A conversa é outra, a conversa é outra...
A vida inteira... o que é que queres fazer? A conversa é outra, a conversa é outra...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
In The Sun
I pictured you in the sun wondering what went wrong
And falling down on your knees asking for sympathy
And being caught in between all you wish for and all you seen
And trying to find anything you can feel that you can believe in
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
I know i would apologize if i could see your eyes
'Cause when you showed me myself, you know, i became someone else
But i was caught in between all you wish for and all you need
I pictured you fast asleep
A nightmare comes
You can't keep awake
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
'Cause if i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
If i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
If i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
I'll find you
I don't know anymore
What it's for
I'm not even sure
If there is anyone who is in the sun
Will you help me to understand
'Cause i been caught in between all I wish for and all I need
Maybe you're not even sure what it's for
Any more than me
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
'Cause if i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
If i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
If i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
If i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
I'll find you
I'll find you
I'll find you
And falling down on your knees asking for sympathy
And being caught in between all you wish for and all you seen
And trying to find anything you can feel that you can believe in
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
I know i would apologize if i could see your eyes
'Cause when you showed me myself, you know, i became someone else
But i was caught in between all you wish for and all you need
I pictured you fast asleep
A nightmare comes
You can't keep awake
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
'Cause if i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
If i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
If i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
I'll find you
I don't know anymore
What it's for
I'm not even sure
If there is anyone who is in the sun
Will you help me to understand
'Cause i been caught in between all I wish for and all I need
Maybe you're not even sure what it's for
Any more than me
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
May God's love be with you
'Cause if i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
If i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
If i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
If i find
If i find my own way
How much will i find
I'll find you
I'll find you
I'll find you
Monday, July 18, 2011
SBSR 2011
Opposite to what I did last year when I went to the Festival, this time I won't extend myself by describing favourite gigs or moments... I won't make a full stat review of the 17th edition of SuperBock Super Rock.
I will just say this...
Even though it was poorly organized (seems like the people behind this event haven't learned from mistakes made in the past), it was a lot of fun! Was great to see a lot of familiar faces (missed so many of you guys) and also to meet a lot of new people! Fortunately enough we were living in great style, considering that we were camping in one of the worst possible places. Eating dust was becoming a typical meal, showers and bathrooms were nothing shorter than poor, bad car access, one ATM available... and the list goes on! In a nutshell: It lacked suitable conditions for our day-to-day basic needs!
Nonetheless we made the best of what we had and also what we eventually arranged for us that made those three days seem like a sort of "resort vacation".
In terms of music, I have to admit I didn't take full advantage of the excellent bands that were stored for us! Shame on me for being lazy and for settling in for good meals and conversations while groups such as Paus or Junip were playing.
In terms of music, I have to admit I didn't take full advantage of the excellent bands that were stored for us! Shame on me for being lazy and for settling in for good meals and conversations while groups such as Paus or Junip were playing.
But still, can't really complain after watching groups in the likes of Arctic Monkeys, Beirut, Arcade Fire, The Walkmen, Tame Impala, Slash, The Strokes or Elbow.
Arcade Fire stood out has the best from all of the three days. They gave a hell of a show, demonstrating a great deal of intensity and team work while also giving away to the audience that they had a lot of fun on stage. Too bad they didn't save No Cars Go for last, being this my favourite track and all...
Walkmen (already had the chance to see them live a few months ago), Beirut and Tame Impala also made a very good impression...
On a negative side... The Strokes played for 1h10m without an encore or at least addressing the audience before leaving! A bit to short for a main stage group, who's not only closing the stage for the day but also has a bigger responsibility towards the crowd. Plus, I think that Mister Casablancas owed us from last year's SBSR where he only acted for 30 minutes due to stomach illness. Anyway, it was still awesome to hear a lot of good tracks live for the first time... It could have been possibly been my favourite gig if not for the disappointing ending! Being aware that I might be a little harsh with my words, let me make it clear that even in those circumstances they still rocked! And yes, they make my top 5 chart of this years SBSR!
On a negative side... The Strokes played for 1h10m without an encore or at least addressing the audience before leaving! A bit to short for a main stage group, who's not only closing the stage for the day but also has a bigger responsibility towards the crowd. Plus, I think that Mister Casablancas owed us from last year's SBSR where he only acted for 30 minutes due to stomach illness. Anyway, it was still awesome to hear a lot of good tracks live for the first time... It could have been possibly been my favourite gig if not for the disappointing ending! Being aware that I might be a little harsh with my words, let me make it clear that even in those circumstances they still rocked! And yes, they make my top 5 chart of this years SBSR!
(Here's just a glimpse of how it was like)
Slash shows no identity of his own! I know most people wanted to hear some of the old Guns and Roses hits... but that time is long gone and with so many solo albums, it would be expected of him to introduce more of his own work than some of the tracks that Axl Rose was heavily involved with!
Oh... last but not least... The Kooks! In my opinion I find them to be cheesy, dull and very commercial! Having a few good tracks doesn't compensate for the fact that they have no strong points that make the band enjoy the success they have today!
All and all, adding this to the previous festival I attended (Optimus Alive) I can only say...
It's great to be back!
All and all, adding this to the previous festival I attended (Optimus Alive) I can only say...
It's great to be back!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hora do Bolo: Part 2
This Saturday at 17h, yours truly goes back to Radar for another "Hora do Bolo"!
For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, it's basically a radio segment in which the listener gets to go the studio and record a one hour session, where he can speak his mind and choose a set-list of his own!
You can either tune in 97.8 on your radio (if you are in Portugal that is) or visit their website and click on "Emissão Online"for the live stream! If you miss it, no worries! It's back on Sunday (17h) and Monday (00h).
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Portamento: Coming Soon
Seems the wait is almost over and that The Drums second album is coming in September!
Check out their first single: Money
Monday, July 11, 2011
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Taken for A Fool
by: The Strokes
Their new clip has just come out and even thought its not great, the track is amazing!
(one of my favourites from the album)
Friday, July 08, 2011
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Monday, July 04, 2011
Splitscreen: A Love Story
Winner of the Nokia Shorts competition 2011
(Shot entirely with a N80)
(Shot entirely with a N80)
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Jim Morrison ...
Today marks the 40 year anniversary of Jim Morrison's death!
One of the most iconic and greatest singers of all time, Morrison is remembered first and foremost for being leader of The Doors, something that he always did in great fashion!
His legacy still lives on and it will always be refered as one of the most influential characters in the rock n roll scenario.
related articles
Friday, July 01, 2011
Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest - Coming Soon
New York actor Michael Rapaport decided to join A Tribe Called Quest in their comeback tour back in 2008 and turn it into a documentary. Being a huge fan of the legendary hip-hop group himself, it seemed a good opportunity to register their crusade back into stages, while struggling with ego conflicts, creative differences and other personal issues.
Through Rapaport’s lens and with testimonies from the likes of De La Soul members, Busta Rhymes or The Jungle Brothers, we witness the sort of impact and influence ATCQ had back in the day in 1985, coming up to our present day.
For not only hip-hop fans, but music all around, band members Q-Tip, Phife Dawg, Ali Shaheed Muhammad and Jarobi White are regarded as key players in one of the biggest and most successful groups in the history of Hip-Hop, being pioneers in a whole new genre that fused hip-hop and jazz, for ever revolutionizing the music culture worldwide.
I personally think that there isn’t a great debate in terms of their status: One of the best of all time! And forget the fact they are one of my personal favourites… Anybody who is anybody will tell you “Quest is colossal”! If you don’t know that much about them, then I would recommend you to take a look at the upcoming documentary Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest (2011). Even though I haven’t seen it, it promises to give great insight of what that band was in the mid eighties and early 90, coming up to their comeback.
Meanwhile, funnily enough, right before I was aware of this “backstage documentary” I’d just hooked up with their The Anthology album. A compilation consisting of their best tracks throughout the years, such as: Scenario, Check The Rhime, Can I Kick It, Stressed Out or Vivrant Thing.
So take my advice… hear as much as you can and try having a sense of what they represent as a cultural icon!
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